Faithfully praying for America since 2001.
You are a part of a legacy of prayer for our nation and leaders. God’s hand has been upon this ministry because of prayer warriors like you who joined together all across this nation with a heart to glorify our precious Savior, so that we might be informed and encouraged to pray.
From myself and all our staff, thank you for praying faithfully with us and may the Lord bless you as you lead a peaceful and godly life.
Lord Almighty, we pray today with gratitude for Your blessing over this ministry for the past 20 years. You have been faithful to lead the prayer team to encourage and equip Your people to pray informed prayers. As we celebrate this anniversary, we look to You with expectancy for the future. We pray in thanksgiving for those who have prayed with us all these years and we lift up those who will join us anew in the next 20 years. We commit ourselves to continue to lift the office of the president and leadership of the United States in prayer as directed in Your Word. As we bring these governing officials before You, we pray for a renewed awakening in our hearts to seek You and we thank You for the peace You give that passes human understanding. All this we pray in Jesus’ most Holy name, Amen!
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Apart from salvation, prayer may be the greatest gift God has given to us, because it allows us to have a personal relationship with Him. As we strengthen our relationship with Him, we become closer to God and our hearts are opened to better understanding of His Will.
In these 20 years of prayer, millions of Americans have prayed diligently for our nation. We have prayed for 4 sitting presidents and their administrations, for thousands of national and local leaders, and over 10 major election cycles.
We do this at the calling of our Lord, but also for the love of our country that God has blessed unlike any before.
Pray for your prayer team as we continue our mission of reaching all of America for prayer. As you pray, lift up the staff who work to meet the needs of the prayer team and to plan for the future. Praise God for His hand on this ministry for 20 years and pray for what He is going to do in the next 20 years.
Pray also for yourself and your fellow prayer warriors across the nation and the world. Thank Him for the blessings that He provides as He guides you and directs your steps into the unique calling that He has placed on your life.
The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.
Numbers 6:24-26
Prayer Warriors like you have selflessly supported the mission and work of the prayer team for all twenty years of ministry. We ask that, as you are able, you would prayerfully consider helping us with a gift today, to continue this legacy of prayer. As our thank you, we have put together a Best of Vantage Point devotional book, available with a gift of any amount. Thank you for your prayers and your support.
Tools to help you help your daily prayer life and reminders to lift up America and our leaders in prayer.
Your daily companion for a full year of prayer. Now with devotional lessons from history and scripture!
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