Vice President Keynote for Naval Academy Commission

In person ceremony to be held as pandemic recedes. The Naval Academy’s commissioning ceremony will be held in person this year as more Americans are vaccinated and that…

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Vice President Meets with Mexican President

Enlisting help to tackle the southern migration issue at its source. On Friday, Vice President Harris met with Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador to discuss ways that…

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Vice President Asks for Infrastructure Input

Ideas are flowing as certain politicians give public statements. The counter-offer made by members of the minority party in Congress as led to a brainstorming process by members…

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Vice President to Make First Foreign Trip

Will travel to Mexico and Guatemala. Vice President Harris announced on Wednesday that she would be traveling to Mexico and Guatemala within the next few weeks. This would…

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Education Department Holds School Reopening Summit

Best practices shared to quickly and safely open schools. This week, the U.S. Department of Education hosted the National Safe School Reopening Summit. President Joe Biden, Vice President…

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Vice President Calls For Gun Control

Places support behind universal background checks. As the nation experienced another incident of gun violence in Colorado, Vice President Harris urged Congress and the nation to pass new…

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President Joins “Help is Here” Tour

Vice president and first lady kicked off the tour on Monday. On Monday, the president’s administration began its tour of the country to bring attention to the positive…

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Senate Votes on COVID-19 Stimulus Amendments

Minimum wage increase no longer a part of the legislation. After a 51-50 vote on Thursday that required Vice President Harris to cast the deciding vote, the Senate…

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President Holds COVID-19 Memorial

Calls on Americans “Not to become numb” to fatalities. On Monday, President Biden and Vice President Harris addressed the nation to grieve for the 500,000 people who have…

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President Discusses Moving COVID Relief Forward

Lays out plan to circumvent opposition. This past Friday, President Joe Biden gave a speech, communicating to the American people that he considers drafting a COVID relief bill…

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