Senate Holds Extra Tuesday Session

Both parties seek to pass more COVID-19 aid On Tuesday, Senate leaders agreed to hold an unplanned meeting in order to pass the next round of COVID-19 aid.…

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Senators Push for Anti-Bias Police Training

 Concerns surround unfair stops over medical masks.  Certain members of the Senate announced their plans to increase anti-bias training for the nation’s police forces on Friday, due to…

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Small Business Stimulus Program Funds Nearly Gone

Additional funding of $250 billion being considered. According to the Senate Small Business Committee, funding for the stimulus program for small businesses had nearly run out as of…

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Members of Congress Affected by COVID-19

Over 50 lawmakers under self-quarantine in recent months. As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to be combatted around the nation, members of Congress have also fought personal battles against…

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Legislation Would Expand Mail-In Voting

Pandemic has highlighted voting obstacles. Senator Kamala Harris, a former state attorney general for California, on Thursday announced new legislation that would expand voting by mail and early…

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Lawmakers Block Senate Bid to Aid Small Businesses

Senate adjourns until Monday. Conflicting ideas swirled around in the Senate that resulted in blocking plans to provide hundreds of billions of dollars to help small businesses. Senate…

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Small Business Loan Program Needs More Funding

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell says he will approve more this week. He said he would aim to approve more funding for the program that Congress created last…

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How the Coronavirus Stimulus Bill Impacts You

Congress’ goal is an immediate and lasting impact. The 883-page CARES Act legislation passed by the Senate and awaiting passage in the House includes thousands of dollars in…

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Senate and White House Reach $2T Deal

Treasury secretary said the president is “pleased.” The White House and Senate leaders reached a deal in the wee hours of Wednesday morning on a massive stimulus package…

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Congress Grappling with Its Voting Mechanics

House has no confidence in system security. In the current era of social distancing and while Congress is at work on a massive relief bill to stem the…

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