Pentagon Prepares for Russian Military Action

Response over recent build-up of military. The Pentagon announced on Sunday that it has begun preparations to address the growing threat of Russian military build-up in Eastern Europe.…

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President Biden Holds Call with Ukrainian President

Leaders committed to strengthening ties in the future.  On Friday, President Biden spoke with President Zelenskyy of Ukraine about the two nations’ relationship with one another and their…

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U.S. Keeping Eye on Russia-Ukraine Situation

Voice unwavering American support for Ukraine. Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Joint Chiefs Chairman General Mark Milley both called their Ukrainian counterparts Wednesday to consult about the…

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U.S. Sanctions Ukrainian Tycoon

U.S. ban includes the oligarch’s family. The Department of State recently released a statement banning Ukrainian tycoon and former regional governor Ihor Kolomoyskyi and his family from entering…

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U.S. Sending $125 Million in Aid to Ukraine

Pentagon sending armed naval vessels and counterartillery. The Pentagon announced this week that $125 million in military aid will be delivered to Ukraine. Provided under the Ukraine Security…

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Senators to Meet with Ukrainian President Friday

Will reassure him of continued strong relationship Three members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, Chris Murphy of Connecticut and John Barrasso of Wyoming,…

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