U.S. Troop Draw Down Accomplished in Middle East

Levels of U.S. military in Afghanistan and Iraq at lowest since 2001. The Pentagon announced last week the completion of the draw down of U.S. troops that was…

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Federal Departments Investigate Demonstrations of January 6

Seek to understand how Capitol complex security was compromised.  On Friday, the Departments of Justice, Homeland Security, the Interior, and Defense launched a joint investigation into the events…

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Pentagon Updates Middle East Strategy

Changes reflect normalized relationships between Israel and Arab nations.  On Friday, the Defense Department announced that it would be reordering its policies and operations in the Middle East.…

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Pentagon Sends B-52s to Middle East

Intended as “deterrence mission” against Iran. A pair of B-52 bombers were flown into the Middle East Thursday from Barksdale AFB in Louisiana. Military officials have seen some indications…

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Pentagon Adds Four Chinese Firms to Blacklist

Move complies with legislation passed over 20 years ago. This past week, the Pentagon announced that it has added four companies to its blacklist against Chinese technology and…

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Defense Bill Would Halt Afghan Troop Drawdown

Act would require assessment before troop level can decrease. A congressional conference report released last week includes language aimed at preventing a U.S. troop withdrawal from Afghanistan, in…

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USS Nimitz Ordered Back to Persian Gulf

Assassination of Iranian nuclear scientists has stirred revenge threats. The Pentagon announced Saturday that it has sent the USS Nimitz aircraft carrier back to the Middle East. It…

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DOD Deputy Chief of Staff Resigns

President Trump updating senior DOD leadership.  The Defense Department announced on Friday that the Deputy Chief of Staff for the Secretary of Defense had turned in her resignation.…

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U.S. Secretary of State Heads to Central Europe

He will meet with officials in Czech Republic, Slovenia, Austria, and Poland. On Tuesday, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo begins a tour through Central Europe. In their respective…

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U.S. Positioning Military Assets Around Asia

Action is part of Administration hardening stance toward China. Defense Secretary Mark Esper spoke virtually to the London-based International Institute for Strategic Studies on Tuesday. He revealed that…

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