Vice President to Attend Ukraine Peace Summit in Switzerland

President Biden will be unavailable due to a previously scheduled event. Vice President Kamala Harris will travel to Switzerland in President Joe Biden’s stead to attend the Summit…

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Ukrainian President Urges President Biden to Attend Peace Conference in Switzerland

He says, “If you want peace, you will be there.“ Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky responded to President Joe Biden’s expected absence from a peace summit in Switzerland next…

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NASA Welcomes Switzerland to Artemis Accords Agreement

That nation becomes the 37th country to commit to upholding beneficial space use for all. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) welcomed Switzerland as the 37th country…

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U.S. Vetoes UN Resolution to Admit Palestinian Territories

U.S. deputy ambassador calls the move a premature action. The United States was the lone veto of a United Nations Security Council resolution introduced by Algeria to allow…

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Climate Envoy Kerry Promises Clean Energy Progress After 2024 Election

He will step down from his envoy role to support the president’s reelection campaign. Climate Envoy John Kerry told international audiences on Tuesday that the U.S. will not…

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Swiss Bank Banque Pictet Admits Hiding Billions from IRS

The entity reached a $122.9 million agreement with the U.S. Treasury Department. The U.S. Department of the Treasury has come to a $122.9 million agreement with the private…

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Arms Sales to Switzerland, Lithuania, and Belgium Approved

The countries seek to modernize and strengthen their defense. The U.S. State Department has approved arms sales to Switzerland, Lithuania, and Belgium.   The $700 million sale to…

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Assistant Secretary of State Travels to Europe

Geneva, Switzerland, and Brussels, Belgium are on her itinerary. Assistant Secretary for the Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration Julieta Valls Noyes is leading the United States delegation…

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Vice President to Attend Munich Security Conference

Russia-Ukraine tensions high on the agenda.  Vice President Kamala Harris will hold a series of in-person meetings with U.S. allies and partners at the Munich Security Conference next…

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First Biden-Putin Summit Positive, U.S. President Says

“I did what I came to do,” President Biden said. According to reports from both men, Presidents Biden and Putin achieved a great deal during their summit in…

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