USDA Invests $250 Million Into Fertilizer Production

 Attempting to address shortages created by global demand and Russian invasion. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced that it will be making $250 million in grants available…

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USDA Announces Enhancements to Food Supply Chain

$215 in funding seeks to improve resiliency and increase competition.  The U.S. Department of Agriculture announced last week that it had approved $215 million in funding to help…

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High Tech Support Bill Introduced in House

Legislation would strengthen U.S. technology and research.  A $250 billion tech bill to address supply chain and chip shortages, increase competition with foreign sources, and strengthen American research…

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Supply Chain Crisis Averted, President Says

He credits administration for relieving bottlenecks.  On Wednesday, President Biden met with his Supply Chain Disruptions Task Force, a group of corporate CEOs and administration officials that was…

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Administration Plans Boost to Truck Driver Workforce

Shortage seen as factor in supply chain woes.  A number of new actions are being taken by the White House Thursday that are aimed at addressing supply chain bottlenecks…

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House Passes Supply Chain Shipping Bill

The bill is intended to ease supply chain issues that are impacting American citizens. The House of Representatives passed a bipartisan bill designed to strengthen shipping supply chains…

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President Discussed Supply Chain with Major CEOs

Concerns about shortages in labor and goods continue to grow.  President Biden spoke on Tuesday with the chief executives at Walmart, United Parcel Service, FedEx, and Target to discuss speeding…

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Supply Backlog Worsening at Port of Los Angeles

Up to 170 cargo ships are waiting off the coast to unload.  Despite presidential assurances of 24/7 operations at the Port of Los Angeles, conditions there continue to…

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Fed Says Vaccine Mandates Hurt Employment

Mandates are one part of the labor shortage.  Vaccine mandates are contributing to labor supply problems, businesses are reporting to the Federal Reserve. The central bank said that recent…

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Large Numer of Cargo Ships Waiting to Off Load

Backup in ports adds to many product shortages.  A backlog of cargo and container ships are at anchor or drifting off the California coast as the ports of…

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