Congress Asks Administration to Stop ICC Investigations

Bipartisan group says the international court is politically motivated. Last week a group of lawmakers from the Senate and House of Representatives sent Secretary of State Mike Pompeo…

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China Refuses Lab Access

Secretary Pompeo had called for international inspectors. China has rejected calls by American officials to give international inspectors access to labs to make sure dangerous pathogens similar to…

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Secretary Pompeo Renews Criticism of China

Chinese propaganda blames U.S. for virus pandemic. A microbiologist at the Chinese Academy of Sciences said the United States could be an origin point of the coronavirus, until…

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U.S.-Russia Diplomats Begin Discussions on START

The “Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty,” first signed in 1991, could be extended. The Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty, known as START, is a bi-lateral treaty between Russia and the…

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U.S. Halts Issuing Passports Due to Virus

Proof of “life-or-death emergency” required to obtain one during the epidemic. In order to further discourage international travel, the State Department has stated that it will cease issuing…

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American Prisoners Abroad Call For Better Communication

Reliable access to government information a must for hostage families. The James W. Foley Legacy Foundation recently released a report based on interviews with 25 former hostages and…

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U.S. Offers Iran Sanction Waivers

Certain countries will be able to continue to work in nuclear sector. On Monday the White House renewed waivers on sanctions against Iran, to help nations around the…

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Former FBI Agent Presumed Dead in Iranian Custody

Robert Levinson has been missing since 2007. A retired FBI agent and private investigator who disappeared from an Iranian island in 2007, is believed to have died in…

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13,500 Americans Stranded Abroad Coming Home

State Department gathers them from 28 countries. With many national borders shut down and severely curtailed international flights, the State Department has learned of over 13,500 Americans stranded…

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U.S. to Withdraw $1 billion in Aid From Afghanistan.

Infighting within Afghan leadership caused the breakdown in negotiations. After a whirlwind day in Kabul in which he met with feuding Afghan leaders, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo…

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