27 Senators Call for Federal Defunding of Universities That Allow Antisemitism

They sent a letter to the attorney general and education secretary calling for action regarding an anti-Israel demonstration at Columbia University. Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas headed a…

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Senators Respond to Executive Order Sanctioning West Bank Settlers

The president ordered sanctions against violent Israeli settlers without addressing Palestinians who conduct attacks. Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas, along with a group of his colleagues, wrote a…

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Pentagon Reports Defense Secretary Hospitalized

Secretary Austin acknowledges concerns about transparency. The Pentagon announced Friday evening that Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin had been admitted to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center on New…

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Greater Restrictions for South American Migrants Proposed in Senate

The legislation would add to HR-2 policies passed in the House. Senators Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, Tom Cotton of Arkansas, and James Lankford of Oklahoma have submitted…

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Senator Cotton Urges DOJ Probe of Pro-Hamas Protestors

He states that protestors are breaking federal laws. Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas wrote to Attorney General Merrick Garland asking that the Department of Justice investigate pro-Hamas demonstrations…

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Senator Cotton Calls For Deportation of Foreign Nationals Supporting Hamas

He cites federal law regarding aliens to “endorse or espouse terrorist activity.“ Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas wrote to Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas on Monday, calling on…

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Congress Disagrees over Army Fitness Test Reform

Senate’s version would revert to the old Army fitness test while the House proposes sex-neutral standards. Members of the House and Senate are working on the annual National…

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Land Near Military Bases Off Limits to Foreign Buyers 

New rule on barriers proposed by Treasury Department.  The U.S. Treasury Department has proposed a new rule that would establish barriers for non-Americans seeking to purchase land near…

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Proposed Law Would Allow Death Penalty for Murder of Police 

Legislators call members of law enforcement American heroes.  Senators Tom Cotton of Arkansas and Representative Mike Garcia of California have introduced the defending our Defenders Act, legislation that…

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Senator Challenges Asylum Policy 

He says relaxed policies are at the heart of border chaos.  Senator Tom Cotton said in a hearing with Attorney General Merrick Garland that the United States is…

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