Defense Secretary Proposes Budget to Senate Committee

Aircraft technology is being pared back to boost the number of service members. Secretary Lloyd Austin brought the proposed 2025 budget for the Department of Defense (DoD) before…

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Senate Passes Stopgap Spending Bill

House must act to avert a government shutdown Friday night.  The Senate passed a bill extending on Thursday extending one of two continuing resolutions the government has been…

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Protesters Disrupt Senate Hearing on Israel 

Secretary of state was about to testify. As Secretary of State Antony Blinken was about to begin his testimony at a Senate Appropriations Committee hearing Tuesday, a number…

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Congress Heads for August Break 

Appropriations made scant progress before recess. Both chambers of Congress have departed Washington, D.C., for the August recess. Appropriations for the coming fiscal year are due by the…

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U.S. Officials Say Budget Cuts Will Hamper Competitiveness

Three secretaries testify at Senate China policy hearing. Three Cabinet leaders recently testified before Congress together, Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, and Secretary…

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Congress Takes Up Budget Hearings

The National Defense Authorization Act is one of the key items. Congress returned from Easter break to begin over 20 budget hearings in the House and Senate Appropriations…

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Appropriators Reach Framework on Federal Spending

Negotiators are optimistic.  Leaders of the Senate and House Appropriations Committees say they have reached a deal on a “framework” that will allow them to begin writing compromise…

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Senate Negotiations Approach Budget Deadline

Priorities may be switched from passing BBB to budgeting omnibus. The Senate has been working on passing a budgeting omnibus package for months which was delayed by opposition…

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Lawmakers Close to Spending Deal

Needed to avert December 12 shutdown. A deal between Senate Appropriations Chairman Richard Shelby of Alabama and House Appropriations Chairwoman Nita Lowey of New York seems on the horizon,…

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Emergency Virus Funding Bill May be Ready Friday

G7 countries ready to cooperate Senator Patrick Leahy, the ranking member of the Senate Appropriations Committee, said an emergency funding bill to fight the coronavirus could be completed…

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