American Steel Industry Supports Deal with Japan

Secretary of Commerce remarks on strategy to counter Chinese trade practices. Last week, steel workers groups responded positively to steel tariffs that Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo and…

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U.S./UK Release Joint Statement on Global Aluminum Excess

Both countries find Chinese overproduction the main issue. This past week, Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo, United States Trade Representative Katherine Tai, and United Kingdom Secretary of State…

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Robert Santos Sworn In as Census Bureau Director

Brings decades of experience to his role. On Thursday, Robert Santos was sworn in as the U.S. Census Bureau’s 26th director, becoming the first Latino to serve in…

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Administration Announces Economic Grant Finalists

60 coalitions given $500,000 to prepare for final round. White House Senior Advisor Gene Sperling only expected 150 applicants for the Build Back Better grants for pandemic economic…

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Commerce Department Hosts Semiconductor Roundtable

Group seeks to address the shortages and the impact on the auto industry.  The Department of Commerce hosted a roundtable discussion on the current semiconductor shortage and its…

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Commerce Issues Rule on National Security Risks

Twenty-seven foreign entities added to Entity List. Last week, the Bureau of Industry and Security within the U.S. Commerce Department issued a final rule add to the Entity…

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Control of Cybersecurity Exports Proposed

Commerce Department introduces interim final rule to increase national security against cyber attacks. The Bureau of Industry and Security, a division of the Commerce Department, has issued a…

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Endless Frontier Act Moves Forward in Senate

Bipartisan bill addresses technology issues with China. The Endless Frontier Act introduced by Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer of New York and Senator Todd Young of Indiana is…

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Offshore Wind Deployment Target of 30GW by 2030

White House roundtable announces national goal. The secretaries of the Departments of Energy, Commerce, and the Interior recently had a round table discussion during which they announced the…

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