Iran Issues Threat to President Trump

U.S. military taking preventive measures in Persian Gulf. Iranian President Hassan Rouhani recently vowed revenge for the airstrike that killed General Soleimani one year ago. In a speech…

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Shooting Occurs Outside White House

Secret Service escorted President Trump from briefing session. President Trump was holding a coronavirus briefing when he was interrupted mid-sentence by a Secret Service agent beckoning to him.…

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Secret Service Members Injured During Riots

President Trump taken to underground bunker for a time. Several Secret Service members were injured and President Trump was taken into a protective bunker on Sunday as the…

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President Briefly Moved to White House Bunker

Due to protests that turned violent outside of the White House, the decision came out of an abundance of caution.

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Anthony Fauci to Receive Upped Personal Security

Threats from online conspiracy theorists have increased over the last week. The White House announced on Wednesday that Dr. Anthony Fauci would be receiving enhanced personal security from…

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