President Encourages Port Labor Negotiations

Workers have gone nearly a year without a contract, and some ports experience shutdowns. President Joe Biden is committed to respecting the negotiation process between West Coast port…

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White House Supports Initiative for Unhoused Homelessness

ALL INside to reduce unsheltered homelessness by 25 percent in two years. The White House recently announced the launch of a new initiative called ALL INside, an administration-wide…

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Justice Deparment Requests Lift of Seattle Police Department Oversight

The Seattle Police Department has made “significant progress” in ten years according to the DOJ. The Department of Justice (DOJ) asked a federal judge to lift the ten-year-long…

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Supreme Court Will Hear Coach Prayer Case

The coach was fired for praying on the field after games.  The Supreme Court announced it will hear oral arguments in the case of Kennedy v. Bremerton School…

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The United States to Increase Arctic Presence

Coast Guard looks to renovate and expand Seattle base to support operations. The U.S. Coast Guard is proposing the renovation and expansion of its Seattle waterfront base to…

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Federal Court Charges Seattle Police Force with Contempt

Fallout from Black Lives Matter protests continues. An order had been issued this past summer against the Seattle Police Department, demanding that they cease the “indiscriminate” use of…

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DOJ Designates Cities as “Anarchist Jurisdictions”

Deems New York, Portland, and Seattle, putting federal funding at risk. The Justice Department released a list of cities in the United States on Monday that it deemed…

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Seattle Plans Occupied Zone Dismantling

Two weekend shootings were stimulus for mayor. Alarmed by two weekend shootings in Seattle, city authorities are planning to start dismantling six blocks of streets in a part…

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Seattle Protestors Create Police-Free Zone

President and law enforcement leaders voice concern over potential extortion by the new volunteer security force.

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