NASA Telescope Mission to Probe Dark Energy

Space telescope will survey supernovae and the expansion of the universe caused by cosmic pressure. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration recently announced the upcoming Nancy Grace Roman…

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Senate Bill to Counter China’s Influence

U.S. Innovation and Competition Act gets support from U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer’s Endless Frontiers Act, a bill designed to compete with China in…

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Small Business Award Recipients Announced

Department of Transportation selects technology innovators. On Thursday, the Department of Transportation announced that it had selected the awardees for the first phases of its Small Business Innovation…

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Small Businesses to Receive Energy Awards

Energy Department incentivizing scientific, clean energy, and climate solutions. The Department of Energy (DOE) has recently announced $110 million in awards for diverse small businesses who develop solutions…

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Army Working with Industry Partners on Modernization

The U.S. military crafting plans to keep pace with advancements by adversaries. The U.S. Army reported the modernization strategy this week that partners with industry, science and technology.…

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Restrictions Made in Covid-19 Vaccine Trial Recipients

Severely ill patients no longer being administered vaccine. Last week, Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, one of the major researchers of a breakthrough COVID-19 vaccine, announced that its trials had been…

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Corporations in Final Testing Stages for COVID Vaccine

Pfizer Inc. warns against rushing the vaccine. While on the campaign trail, President Trump has suggested a finished vaccine could be available before November’s Election Day. Multiple medicine…

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President Updates Marine Scientific Research Requirements

Revised measure requiring consent for foreign research seeks to ensure U.S. environmental protections and coastal security. President Donald Trump issued a revision last week to a previous presidential…

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State Department has Revoked 1,000 Student Visas

Chinese nationals with ties to the People’s Liberation Army expelled from U.S. The State Department announced that over 1,000 student visas have been revoked since June for Chinese nationals…

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Administration to Invest $1Billion in Artificial Intelligence

Technological advancement funds include quantum computing. “Today, the Trump Administration is making an unprecedented investment to strengthen American leadership in AI [artificial intelligence] and quantum, and to ensure…

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