U.S. Army Confirms American Soldier Arrested in Russia

National Security Council and House Foreign Affairs chair warn U.S. citizens to avoid traveling to Russia. The U.S. Army and National Security Council (NSC) have confirmed that a…

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House to Vote on Bill Prohibiting Foreign Ownership of Apps

The national security threat posed by TikTok, owned by a Chinese company, has brought the issue forward. The House will vote on the Protecting Americans from Foreign Adversary…

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Congressional Report Finds China Obtaining Sensitive U.S. Technology

The report shows the federal government has been lax in implementing export restrictions. The House Foreign Affairs Committee released a 61-page report that shows a vast range of…

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House Places a Freeze on $6 Billion for Iran

The funds were released by the administration earlier this year to free five American prisoners. The House of Representatives passed legislation late last week that would require the…

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No Clear Front Runner in Selection of House Speaker

The war in Israel is adding pressure for a decision. None of the individuals under consideration for Speaker of the House has a clear path to the position,…

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Congress Continues to Investigate Withdrawal from Afghanistan

Two House oversight committees want to know more.  The Chairmen of the House Armed Services Committee, Mike Rogers of Alabama, and the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Michael McCaul…

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State Department Uncertain How Many Americans in Sudan

Congressman urges action to extend the ceasefire to extract U.S. citizens.  As warring factions make it hazardous to remain in Sudan, the State Department reports there is no…

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House Committee Advances TikTok Ban Bill

Committee members voice both support and concerns. The House Foreign Affairs Committee advanced legislation that would give President Joe Biden the power to ban TikTok and other apps.…

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State Department Committed to Pandemic Accord 

Members of Congress are concerned over American sovereignty.  The State Department cited the U.S. government’s commitment to a Pandemic Accord on Monday, saying it “will vastly improve the…

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Energy Department says COVID Likely Came from Lab Leak

A classified intelligence report has been furnished to the White House and Congress.  The U.S. Department of Energy has reassessed the likely origin of COVID-19 in light of…

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