Treasury Secretary Says Prices Are Not Coming Back Down 

She says that the economy continues to defy recession. During a speech in Boston in early January, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said inflation was cooling and that, in…

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Bank CEOs to Testify Before Senate Committee

The banking committee chair believes updated regulations are necessary. The CEOs of America’s largest banks are scheduled to testify before the Senate Banking Committee on Wednesday, prepared to…

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President to Speak on “Bidenomics” in Chicago

The administration says the president’s focus will be on growing the middle class. President Joe Biden is scheduled to travel to Chicago on Wednesday, where he will attend…

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Over 100K Jobs Cut in January

The report says, the worst January since 2009.  Tech companies led the nation in job reductions in January, with around 40 percent of over 103,000 jobs that were…

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The Conference Board Leading Economic Index Falls for Tenth Month

The results have led some to believe a recession is coming. The Conference Board Leading Economic Index (LEI), which is a barometer of the health of the American…

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Journalism Act Could Remove News from Facebook

Congress considers adding journalism negotiation to upcoming defense bill. Congress is considering adding the Journalism Competition and Preservation act to their annual defense bill, which would allow news…

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Interest Rates Raised Again by Federal Reserve

The third straight month of supersized rate increase. On Wednesday, the Federal Reserve raised rates by three-quarters of a point and projected a more aggressive path ahead, suggesting…

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Job Openings Increased in July

The hiring pace slowed for the fourth month in a row. The U.S. Department of Labor announced Tuesday that job openings rose in July as employers become less…

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Housing Starts Drop Nearly 10 Percent

New construction is at the lowest level since June 2020. The Commerce Department reported the number of housing starts decreased sharply in July. Measured on an annualized rate,…

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Unemployment Claims Increase as Layoffs Rise

The number has reached the highest since November of last year. On Thursday, the Labor Department released its weekly report on the job market. For the week ending…

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