More Than 8,700 Recoveries from Virus Reported

Johns Hopkins University has tracked the virus since late December. The number of COVID-19 cases across the globe continues to climb, and the numbers are astonishing. But, recoveries…

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Dr. Birx Says China Virus Data Misled World

Incomplete information from China delayed world’s response. The Chinese government has been underreporting the outbreak of the coronavirus in its country, the U.S. intelligence community concluded in a…

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Experts Voice Best-Worse Case Scenarios

Answers to the virus pandemic are complicated. Life in America has been turned upside down by the coronavirus pandemic, leaving people isolated in their homes while others lose…

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Monday Task Force Briefing

Private sector stepping up needed supplies. With 148 nations impacted by COVID-19, Dr. Deborah Birx reported that countries around the world have been reporting to the task force…

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New York State to Begin Virus Drug Trials

FDA moved “very expeditiously,” governor says. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo reported that coronavirus drug trials will begin in his state on Tuesday in an attempt to control…

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Vice President Pence Briefs on Increased Testing

Medical supply production is also increasing. Vice President Mike Pence spoke of teleconference discussions with state and local officials and America’s top doctors. He and the president will…

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FDA Commissioner Updates the Nation

Scientists and physicians work 24/7 on virus treatments and cures. Dr. Stephen Hahn, FDA Commissioner, announced today that 10,000 scientists, doctors and others working around the clock to…

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Presidential Update on Progress Addressing Coronavirus

President Trump announced that the initial bill out of Congress to provide relief to some Americans has been signed.

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First U.S. Coronavirus Vaccine Tests Begin

Success results will take time As states and the federal government take more aggressive measures to fight the coronavirus outbreak, a laboratory in Boston, Moderna, is moving forward…

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