Electoral College Votes for Joe Biden

Legal challenges continue. On Monday, former Vice President Joe Biden clinched 306 Electoral College votes to secure the presidency. Senator Mitch McConnel acknowledged the results from the Senate…

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Pennsylvania Judge Blocks Further Election Certification

Ruling temporarily blocks further action on certifying election results. A judge in Pennsylvania issued an order temporarily preventing the state from taking any further actions to certify the…

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President Consents to Preliminary GSA Transition Protocols

Biden team forges ahead with nominations and appointments. President Trump and his officials gave the go-ahead for preliminary transition protocols to proceed to the team of former Vice…

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President’s Campaign Lawyers Discuss Legal Challenges

There was “massive fraud,” said Rudy Giuliani. At a press conference on Thursday, the legal team representing the campaign of President Donald Trump described the case for its…

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Georgia Completes Hand Retally of Election Results

Former Vice President Biden wins by slim margin. Following six days of a hand audit of Georgia ballots in the 2020 election, the Georgia secretary of state’s office…

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Congress Considering Next Round of Aid for Americans

12 million Americans to lose unemployment benefits the day after Christmas. 12 million Americans are set to lose their emergency jobless benefits on December 26 if no further…

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Thousands of Trump Supporters in Washington Saturday

They sang the National Anthem at conclusion of their vast rally. Tens of thousands of supporters of President Trump gathered in Washington on Saturday for what was billed…

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Biden Ahead in Pennsylvania and Georgia

Counting irregularities are still under investigation. On Friday, the vote count in Pennsylvania and Georgia was updated by each state’s respective board of elections. Due to nearing the…

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Presidential Race Narrows

Millions of votes are yet uncounted. As of early Wednesday, the presidential election hangs in the balance. There remain a handful of closely-fought states yet to decide the…

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U.S. Exits Paris Climate Accord

Nation to focus on its own emission reduction rather than global agreement. Regardless of the results of election day, the United States will no longer be a member…

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