President Discusses Moving COVID Relief Forward

Lays out plan to circumvent opposition. This past Friday, President Joe Biden gave a speech, communicating to the American people that he considers drafting a COVID relief bill…

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President Seeks Solutions to Reopen Schools

Multiple cities resist guidance to reopen in-person learning. The president’s administration has pledged to reopen schools within his first 100 days in office. However, city mayors and local…

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Senate Moves Forward with Virus Aid

Vice president breaks tie vote. The Senate voted Friday morning to move forward with the next round of COVID-19 relief aid for Americans. The vote was split down…

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President Addresses National Prayer Breakfast

Calls for a focus on faith and unity. On Thursday, President Biden addressed the National Prayer Breakfast for the first time since taking office. Every president has attended…

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Permits Restarting for Offshore Wind Farms

Opportunity for public to weigh in hoped for by fishing industry. The Biden Administration plans to accelerate development of offshore wind energy, with a new goal to double…

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Overflow Facility for Migrant Children to Re-Open

Will house unaccompanied minors 13 years and older. The Department of Health and Human Services said it is re-opening an overflow facility for unaccompanied migrant children at Carrizo…

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National Prayer Breakfast to be Held Virtually

President and others will speak during the live streamed event. The 69th Annual Prayer Breakfast will be held on Thursday. Though thousands of people usually attend, this year…

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President Signs Immigration Executive Orders

Calls on Congress to pass path to citizenship. President Biden signed another round of executive orders on Tuesday designed to return the nation’s federal immigration policies to their…

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President Considers Sanctions Against Myanmar

Expresses concerns over the military removal of government leader. In the wake of the military taking control of Myanmar and detaining the leaders of its civilian government, President…

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President Meets with Senators on Virus Aid

Lawmakers propose one-third stimulus that President Biden supports. As the first month of 2021 came to a close with no new stimulus payments approved since December, President Biden…

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