President Promotes Equality Act

Bill would update Civil Rights Act and Fair Housing Act. President Biden released a statement praising the Equality Act, a new bill put forward by the House of…

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President Visits Pfizer Vaccination Plant

Distribution delays from extreme weather calls for action. As large portions of the country became wracked with snow, ice, and frigid temperatures, both vaccine shipment centers, and injection…

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President Joins G7 Summit Virtually

Says, “America is Back.” Friday marked President Biden’s first address to the international community as he joined the G7 summit. During his remarks, the president assured the country’s…

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President Observes Ash Wednesday

Calls on every American to pray for one another.  On Wednesday, joining millions of Christians around the world, President Biden received ashes in observance of Ash Wednesday. The…

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President Biden Extends Foreclosure Protections

No foreclosures on homes until June 30.  On Tuesday, the White House announced that President Biden had again extended protections for homeowners facing foreclosure due to the COVID-19…

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White House Begins Investigation into Guantanamo Bay

President’s administration seeks to close the detention center facility.  The White House announced on Friday of last week that it has launched an investigation into what it would…

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President Reestablishes Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships

Melissa Rogers will be executive director of the office. President Biden on Tuesday signed an executive order re-establishing the White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships, first…

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President Biden Takes First Retreat to Camp David

Spent time with his children and grandchildren over the weekend. After the completion of his first three weeks in office, President Biden traveled to Camp David the traditional…

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President Says Gun Control a Priority

Expresses the need to reduce gun violence. On the anniversary of the Parkland School shooting in Florida, President Biden called on Congress to “end our epidemic of gun…

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Airline CEOs Resist Proposed Domestic Testing

Company leaders meet virtually with White House. The president’s administration began to consider the idea of requiring COVID-19 tests not only for passengers on international flights but for…

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