Administration Approves Weapons Sale to Israel

Congress has 15 days to approve the $735 million sale. President Biden’s administration approved the sale of $735 million worth of weapons to the government of Israel at…

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CDC Says Vaccinated Adults Can Abandon Masks

About 59% of American adults have had at least one shot. Fully vaccinated Americans can stop wearing masks, the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention…

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Speaker Tells Companies Not to Pay Ransoms

Colonial Pipeline reportedly paid $5 million ransom to restore service. On Thursday, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi of California warned that private firms should reject demands of…

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Construction on Border Wall to Resume

Rio Grande Valley flood levee to be repaired. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers said it will resume construction on part of the border wall in the Rio…

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President Hosts Infrastructure Talks

Gathers congressional leaders for a bipartisan path forward.  On Wednesday, President Biden invited party leaders to the White House to discuss the future of his push to pass…

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Highest Number of Open Jobs in U.S. History

President calls for renewing job search requirements for those receiving unemployment.  On Tuesday, the Department of Labor released its Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey, which contains the…

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White House Responds to Rocket Attacks on Israel

Primary U.S. focus is de-escalation. On Tuesday, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki relayed President Biden’s “serious concerns” over ongoing rocket attacks by Hamas and other groups against…

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Presidential Remarks on Mother’s Day

President and First Lady reflected and sent well wishes.  On Sunday, President Biden wished the mothers of America a happy Mother’s Day and honored the memory of his…

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President Joins Virtual Eastern NATO Summit

Security for Ukraine is at the top of the president’s agenda. A virtual summit of Eastern European NATO states is being held in the Romanian capital Bucharest Monday.…

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President Ends DNA Collection from Immigrants

DHS will continue to collect limited biometric data. President Biden’s administration revealed on Friday that it intends to reverse a policy from the previous administration at the Department…

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