First Biden-Putin Summit Positive, U.S. President Says

“I did what I came to do,” President Biden said. According to reports from both men, Presidents Biden and Putin achieved a great deal during their summit in…

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Senators Introduce Iran Bill

Motion would require Congressional support of nuclear treaty. On Friday, some members of the Senate released a new bill designed to redefine the diplomatic relationship between the U.S.…

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NATO Designates China “Systemic” Security Challenge

Language sets the path for alliance policy. President Biden persuaded the leaders of NATO to designate China as presenting “systemic challenges” in a summit communique Monday. The statement said,…

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President Travels to Brussels for NATO Summit

Reaffirms U.S. security pledge. On Monday, President Biden traveled to Brussels, Belgium for the first NATO summit meeting of his presidency. During his remarks, the president reaffirmed the…

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Upcoming Vaccine Surplus Concerns Hospitals

J&J doses to expire in six weeks. President Biden was hoping for 70% of American citizens to be vaccinated by July 4, but vaccination rates have stagnated at…

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Vice President Discusses Child Care Funding

 President’s relief package continues to be implemented. Fifteen billion of President Biden’s $1.9 trillion pandemic relief package passed in March has been allocated toward the expansion of child…

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G7 Leaders Pledge 1 Billion Vaccines to the World

United States to supply over 500 million doses.  On Friday, President Biden met with leaders among the Group of 7 Nations (G7) to discuss matters of international cooperation…

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Senator Rubio Warns Venezuela to Turn Back Iranian Ships

Warships are believed to be carrying weapons. Florida Senator Marco Rubio, citing a report than an Iranian warship is trying to deliver attack boats to Venezuela, said that…

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President Concludes Infrastructure Conversations

Begins new negotiations with moderate senators. On Tuesday, President Biden ended his conversations with Congressional opposition about the need for a national infrastructure program. The president indicated that…

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President and First Lady to Meet Queen Elizabeth

G7 Summit marks first in-person diplomatic trip for the president. On Thursday, the White House announced that the president and first lady would be traveling to the United…

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