The 2nd Amendment vs Modern Gun Violence

Can America break the cycle of gun violence while protecting our constitutional rights? PRAY FIRST for those who hold public offices to seek God’s guidance and wisdom as…

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Balancing of Power and Government Accountability

As U.S. federal power and authority grows, who holds the government accountable and oversees its fiscal responsibility? PRAY FIRST for God’s guidance and wisdom for our nation’s leaders.…

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Liberty vs. Oversight: The Struggle to Protect Citizens

Can America strike the balance of protecting freedoms and protecting citizens from those who would take advantage or do harm?    PRAY FIRST for the men and women who…

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Highest Public Distrust in Government in 70 Years

How do we pray and trust and obey in a nation so deeply divided? PRAY FIRST for all Americans as we wrestle with trusting our leaders and our…

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Balance of Power: Does the Supreme Court Get Final Say?

Do states or any other branch of government have the power to overrule the Supreme Court? PRAY FIRST for U.S. elected and appointed officials as divisions deepen between…

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Escalations in the Middle East Continue

Are we in a game of who blinks first with Iran? PRAY FIRST for our nation’s leaders who determine foreign policies and for those who are actively making…

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Are Farmers Facing Impossible Regulations?

Heavy regulations on farmers in America cause a lot of uncertainty about the future. PRAY FIRST for American farmers and their families. Their work directly impacts market prices,…

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Will the Supreme Court Decide the Election?

States evaluate if former President Donald Trump is allowed to stay on the ballot. PRAY FIRST that Americans and all in leadership would seek God’s perfect truth and…

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Is the Education System Failing America’s Children?

Many parents worry about indoctrination in the public educational system and seek refuge in private schools. PRAY FIRST that God would work in and through America’s educational system…

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Hate and bigotry – A Scheme to Divide America

Is Antisemitism a threat to the survival of our nation? How should you pray? PRAY FIRST that God would turn the hearts of Americans toward loving His Chosen…

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