Senate Confirms New Defense Secretary

Lloyd J. Austin becomes the leader of the Pentagon The Senate voted on Friday to approved President Biden’s pick for the Secretary of Defense Department, Lloyd J. Austin.…

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House Votes to Override President’s Veto

Defense spending bill passed with 2/3rds majority On Monday, the House of Representatives successfully voted to override the president’s veto of a required defense spending bill, making it…

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U.S. Withdraws from “Open Skies” Treaty with Russia

America now more secure, Secretary Pompeo says. On Sunday, the State Department issued a release that says the U.S. has executed its right to withdraw from the “Treaty…

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U.S. Expands Military Presence in Crete

It is “apples and oranges” with Turkey, State Department official said. As tensions escalate between NATO allies Greece and Turkey, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has negotiated a…

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Intelligence on China Inadequate, House Report Says

Report recommends fundamental changes. According to a summary of its report issued Wednesday, a House Intelligence Committee concludes that American intelligence agencies are failing to meet the multipronged…

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U.S. Makes $62 Billion Weapons Deal with Taiwan

Sale involves 90 F16 fighter jets. Over the next ten years, Taiwan will purchase 90 F16 fighter jets from the U.S. under a $62 billion weapons deal announced…

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Army Report Says North Korea has Nukes

Could have as many as 100 nuclear devices by the end of the year. The U.S. Army has published its “North Korean Tactics” assessment that says they believe…

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Secretary Esper Calls for Vigorous Competition with China

“I’ve made China the pacing threat for our armed services,” he said. In a virtual discussion with the Aspen Security Forum on Wednesday, Defense Secretary Mark Esper said,…

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Pentagon Bans Use of the Confederate Flag Ban

Allowed flags must showcase “dignity and respect”. The official policy released on Friday morning gave a new official list of acceptable flags, omitting the Confederate flag. The statement…

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U.S. Air Force Pilot Dies in North Sea Crash

Crash happened during a training mission off the coast of England. The Defense Department announced on Monday that a member of the 48th Fighter Wing who piloted an…

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