U.S. and Allies Release Joint Statement on Israel

France, Germany, Italy, and the UK joined America in offering support for Israel and condemning terrorism. President Macron of France, Chancellor Scholz of Germany, Prime Minister Meloni of…

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Pentagon Deploys Marines to the Middle East

Marine Expeditionary Unit being sent to deter Iran’s interference with shipping. U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin ordered the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit deployed to the Middle East to…

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Israeli President Herzog Delivers Remarks to Joint Congress

Congress shows strong support for Israel with partisan exceptions. President Isaac Herzog of Israel spoke before a joint session of Congress in Washington, D.C., this week to celebrate…

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U.S. Sending F-16s to Protect Shipping in Middle East 

Pentagon also considers increasing other military presence in the region. The U.S. Defense Department announced it is increasing its use of fighter jets to stop Iranians from seizing…

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U.S. Deploys F-22 Raptors to the Middle East 

Responding to unprofessional Russian behavior.  The commander of the U.S. Central Command confirmed that the Air Force has deployed F-22 fighter jets to the Middle East as a…

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First Lady Attends Wedding of Jordan Crown Prince

Traveling to Amman was her first stop in Middle East and North African trip.  First Lady Jill Biden attended the wedding of Jordan’s Crown Prince Al Hussein on…

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Navy Launches Middle East Task Force 

The move is expected to strengthen relationships in the region.  The U.S. Navy has announced the creation of a new regional task force in the Middle East, known…

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Speaker McCarthy Visits Israel

He honors that nation on its 75th anniversary. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy is in Israel commemorating that nation’s 75th anniversary. Speaker McCarthy also met with Prime Minister Benjamin…

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Defense Secretary Says  Military to Remain in Iraq

He had an unannounced meeting with the Iraqi prime minister.  Two days before the 20th anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin interrupted his…

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Defense Secretary Austin Travels to the Middle East 

He is expected to deliver a “tough” message to Israel.  Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin began a one-week visit in the Middle East in Amman, Jordan, where he met…

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