VA Suicide Prevention Teams Experience Burnout

GAO reports Veterans Affairs understaffed for expanding workload. The Government Accountability Office (GAO) has reported that the Department of Veterans Affairs has increased programs and services for suicide…

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VA Counseling Productivity Targets Compromise Care

Mental health counselors required to see more patients in less time. The Department of Veterans Affairs instituted new metrics for mental health counselors in the Readjustment Counseling Service…

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Pandemic Takes Toll on Mental Health

Isolation harshest on young adults, poll shows. The health of young Americans has been harshly affected by the coronavirus pandemic, particularly in the area of mental health. A…

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CDC Report Underscores Mental Health Concerns

Health officials warning of the impact of COVID-19 measures. As the U.S. grapples with the effects of the shutdown during the pandemic, health experts have been identifying one…

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FCC Chairman to Designate 3-Digit Suicide Hotline Number

New code to facilitate assistance as suicide numbers continue to climb.  President Trump’s administration is seeking to help those in crisis through a new three-digit hotline number for…

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