Police Express Concerns Regarding Firearms Legislation

Several states are considering, or have passed, redefinition of “permitless carry” as “constitutional carry.” Legislators from at least seven states are sending bills through state chambers that allow…

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“Fund the Police,” President Biden Says

The comment brought bipartisan applause at SOTU.  In his State of the Union address, President Joe Biden issued a call to fund the police.  “We should all agree:…

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U.S. Participates in 5th NADD Meeting

State Department and National Drug Control Policy assistant director speak with representatives of Mexico and Canada. Last week, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for International Narcotics and Law…

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Attorney General Speaks at U.S. Conference of Mayors

Pledges support and commitment to keep the country safe. The U.S. Conference of Mayors took place all last week, hosting a number of seminars and many notable speakers.…

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President Plans Orders Restricting Law Enforcement

Actions are part of acknowledging Black History Month.  President Biden plans to roll out executive actions on police reform in February in acknowledgment of Black History Month. White…

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President Signs Bills Benefiting First Responders

Goal also includes helping law enforcement officers.  Three bipartisan bills have been signed into law by President Biden. They are the Protecting America’s First Responders Act of 2021,…

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DOJ Hires 1,000 New Police Officers Across Country

$139 million grant for American police forces. The Justice Department announced on Thursday that it is awarding $139 million in grants to police forces around the country to…

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Supreme Court Upholds Two Qualified Immunity Cases

Law enforcement officers protected from accusations of excessive force.  On Monday, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in favor of law enforcement in two cases that claimed that officers…

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DHS Announces Law Enforcement Council

The purpose of the council is to promote “best practices” in policing. Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas announced the creation of a new council to “promote best practices”…

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FBI Investigating Afghan Rescue Groups

Bureau is looking at funding, whether federal laws were broken. The Federal Bureau of Investigation has been reaching out to members of veterans’ groups working to evacuate American…

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