House Bill Seeks Term Limits for Supreme Court Justices

Individuals would serve maximum 18 years on the high bench.  A group of House legislators introduced a bill to enact term limits for Supreme Court justices titled the…

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Protests Planned Outside Justice Thomas’ Home

President urges “peaceful, peaceful, peaceful” protesting.  The Virginia home of Justice Clarence Thomas and his wife Ginni will be the site of several groups of pro-abortion activists protesting…

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Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Gun Owners

New York’s rules on concealed carry restrictions violate Second Amendment.  In a 6-3 decision, the Supreme Court ruled Thursday that New York’s regulations requiring applicants for concealed carry…

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Supreme Court Gives Legal Shield to Border Patrol

Agents cannot be sued for use of excessive force.  On Wednesday, the Supreme Court ruled 6-3 that Border Patrol agents are generally shielded from lawsuits that allege the…

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House Bill Would Overhaul Supreme Court Ethics

Code of conduct for justices would be created.  The House Judiciary Committee has advanced a Supreme Court ethics bill following concerns about Justice Clarence Thomas, comments made by…

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Justice Clarence Thomas Hospitalized

Expected to be released early this week.  The Supreme Court announced Sunday night that Justice Clarence Thomas was taken to Sibley Memorial Hospital in Washington, D.C. on Friday,…

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Amy Coney Barrett Confirmed to the Supreme Court

Barrett was confirmed by the Senate and sworn-in on Monday evening at the White House. On Monday, the Senate voted to confirm Justice Amy Barrett to the Supreme…

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Justice Thomas Files Dissent in Abortion Ruling

Jurisprudence should be reevaluated, he says. Supreme Court Associate Justice Clarence Thomas filed a dissent from a decision on Monday to block a Louisiana law that required doctors…

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