President Plans to Remove Sudan from Terrorism List

Action comes as that nation agrees to pay American victims of terror. President Trump said on Monday that the U.S. State Department will remove Sudan from the list…

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Mnuchin Attends Ceremony Formalizing Israel and Bahrain Relations

Israeli delegation to Manama takes the next step in strengthening ties. A ceremony to formalize relations between Bahrain and Israel was held on Sunday in Manama, Bahrain. This…

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Serbia and Kosovo Sign Historic Deal at White House

Agreement also involves relationships with Israel. On Friday, President Trump oversaw the signing of an agreement between Serbia and Kosovo that normalizes economic relations between the two nations.…

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Administration Strikes Peace Deal Between Israel and UAE

Agreement will be called the Abraham Accord. An historic agreement between the United Arab emirates and Israel was announced Thursday morning by President Trump. The two nations have…

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Interior Department Partners with Israel

New program creates a framework for conservation partnership. The Interior Department announced a new cooperative program between them and the nation of Israel’s equivalent – the Nature and…

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Congress Asks Administration to Stop ICC Investigations

Bipartisan group says the international court is politically motivated. Last week a group of lawmakers from the Senate and House of Representatives sent Secretary of State Mike Pompeo…

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Secretary Pompeo to Visit Israel

Plans include discussion of annexation.  This week, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo will be traveling to Israel to meet with the newly formed government, and talk with Prime…

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