Senate Will Not Take Up Israel Stand-Alone Support Bill

The majority leader wants a multi-aid package as does the president. The House of Representatives passed a bill that would provide $14.3 billion in aid to Israel in…

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Senator Tuberville Calls for Funding to be Pulled from UN 

UN did not pass a resolution condemning Hamas for its attacks on Israel.  Senator Tommy Tuberville of Alabama called for the United States to withdraw all funding from…

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House Bill Would Give Israel Aid from IRS Funds 

House legislators want to avoid using “new money.”  President Joe Biden has requested in excess of $100 billion in total military aid to go to Ukraine for its…

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Protesters Disrupt Senate Hearing on Israel 

Secretary of state was about to testify. As Secretary of State Antony Blinken was about to begin his testimony at a Senate Appropriations Committee hearing Tuesday, a number…

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White House Submits Emergency Funding Request to Congress

The administration is also preparing a domestic funding request. On Friday, the White House sent an emergency funding request to Congress, asking for approximately $100 billion for border…

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U.S. Delivers Airstrikes on Iranian Proxies in Syria 

Defense secretary issues statement explaining the response to attacks on U.S. troops. The United States launched air attacks on two bases used by Iranian proxy forces in Syria…

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President Skeptical of Palestinian Casualty Estimates

He reaffirms support for Israel. President Joe Biden held a press conference with Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese this week, where he was asked his thoughts about the…

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Senate Legislation Decouples Aid to Ukraine and Israel 

President has sought a supplemental package tying aid together.  A week ago, President Biden asked Congress to pass a $106 billion supplemental that combined funding for Israel, for…

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House Passes Resolution Standing with Israel 

First action by the House under new Speaker Johnson.  The House of Representatives passed a resolution stating the U.S. “stands with Israel as it defends itself against the…

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USS Eisenhower Strike Group Headed to Persian Gulf 

The group was rerouted by the Pentagon from its Eastern Mediterranean destination.  Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin announced the U.S. is deploying the aircraft carrier USS Eisenhower and…

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