U.S. Defense Secretary Meets with Israeli Officials

He urged Israel to protect Gazans. U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin met with his Israeli counterpart and the nation’s military chief on Monday in Tel Aviv. Secretary Austin…

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Israel Denies Use of White Phosphorous Against Enemies

White House had expressed concerns regarding the possible illegal use of the substance as anti-personnel weapon. Israel responded to accusations this week that its military used white phosphorus…

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UN Passes Gaza Ceasefire Resolution, U.S. Votes Against

Ambassador Thomas-Greenfield tried to get GA to include a denunciation of Hamas. The United Nations General Assembly voted to call for a ceasefire in Gaza on Tuesday, with…

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Administration Approves Tank Munitions Sale to Israel Without Congress

Pentagon uses emergency authority to authorize 14,000 tank shells for IDF. On Saturday, President Biden’s administration used emergency authority to approve the sale of 14,000 tank shells for…

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Emergency Aid Funding Blocked in Senate

Minority members seek to address the southern border. A $110.5 billion emergency spending bill was voted down in the Senate on Wednesday, as minority members reemphasized the need…

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University Presidents Testify About Campus Antisemitism 

Harvard’s president tells the House committee it is a symptom of ignorance.  The House Committee on Education and the Workforce heard testimony from the presidents of Harvard University,…

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House Places a Freeze on $6 Billion for Iran

The funds were released by the administration earlier this year to free five American prisoners. The House of Representatives passed legislation late last week that would require the…

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State Department Official Discusses Hamas Hostages

He says that the terror group may continue to hold hostages so they do not report what has been done to them. State Department Spokesman Matthew Miller said…

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U.S. Destroyer Shoots Down Drones in Red Sea

Houthi rebels claim responsibility for the attacks against the U.S. vessel and three commercial vessels. The Pentagon confirmed that a U.S. warship and commercial vessels in the Red…

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Federal Judge Orders Disclosure of Hamas Funding

Judge writes that recent actions against Israel are sufficient basis. U.S. Representative Ronny Jackson of Texas sued President Biden’s administration in December 2022 for information on the amount…

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