HUD Seeks Solutions to Lead Poisoning Threat

Secretary of HUD hosts CEO of Cleveland Clinic to discuss lead issues in low-income communities. This week, Housing and Urban Development Secretary Marcia Fudge held discussions with Cleveland…

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CDC Extends Eviction Ban

The new extension lasts until October 3. On Tuesday, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention released a new moratorium on evictions for regions with “substantial and high…

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President Asks Congress to Extend Eviction Ban

The COVID protected program ends this weekend. On Thursday, President Joe Biden asked Congress to extend a moratorium on evictions to protect renters and their families amid a…

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Home Prices Highest in 30 Years

National index has average up 14.6%. U.S. home prices rose to a record high in the month of April, as buyers competed for a limited number of homes…

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White House Budget Office Asks for Spending Increase

Proposed budget would reduce defense spending while raising other administation priorities. President Biden’s term goals were identified in the release of his first federal budget proposal last week.…

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President Biden Extends Foreclosure Protections

No foreclosures on homes until June 30.  On Tuesday, the White House announced that President Biden had again extended protections for homeowners facing foreclosure due to the COVID-19…

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FHA Issues Waivers for Mortgage Processing

Allows for remote interaction rather than usual in-person contact. The Department of Housing and Urban Development announced waivers of certain provisions in the Federal Housing Administration to allow…

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CDC Extends Order Regarding Evictions

Director Walensky signs extension through the end of March. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced at the end of last month an extension of the health…

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