House Passes FISA Renewal

House Speaker pledges to bring a separate measure to the floor that would block the U.S. from purchasing Americans’ information. The House of Representatives passed a bill to…

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House Passes Compromise Defense Bill 

Troops will receive a 5.2 percent pay raise.  A compromise National Defense Authorization Act for 2024 has passed both the Senate and House and is expected to be…

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House Judiciary Committee Introduces Restrictions on Private Data Collection

Legislators seek to close the legal spy loophole in Section 702 of the Foreign Surveillance Act. A bipartisan group of representatives introduced a bill to the House floor…

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Legislators Seek to Close Surveillance Loopholes Created after 9/11

“Backdoor” access permits the FBI to seize citizen’s data without a warrant. A bill sponsored by over a dozen senators and representatives would close legal loopholes that allow…

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NSA Nominee Discusses Mass Data Collection

Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act allows the federal collection of personal electronic communications. Lt. General Timothy Haugh, President Joe Biden’s nominee for leader of the…

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Legislators Seek to Stop FISA Court Abuses 

They say reauthorization will not occur without reforms. Some members of the House of Representatives, including Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee Representative Mike Turner of Ohio, are…

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Surveillance Statute Review Working Group Formed 

Three House members of each party will look at FISA.  A bipartisan group has been established by the House Intelligence Committee to review the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act…

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