$600 Million in Infrastructure Funding to Replace Old Railcars

Transporation’s Rail Vehicle Replacement Program opens fiscal year 2023 funding. This week, the Federal Transit Administration announced they will be distributing $600 million through the Rail Vehicle Replacement…

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Administration Sets Admission Goal 125,000 Refugees in 2023

The current fiscal year had the same allottment, but fewer admissions. President Biden’s administration set a goal to admit 125,000 refugees into the United States during the 2023…

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White House Budget Office Asks for Spending Increase

Proposed budget would reduce defense spending while raising other administation priorities. President Biden’s term goals were identified in the release of his first federal budget proposal last week.…

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President Trump Lowers 2021 Refugee Cap

Accepted asylum seekers set at record low of 15,000. Late Wednesday, the State Department, Homeland Security, and Health and Human Services submitted the President’s Report to Congress on…

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President Signs Stopgap Spending Bill

A government shutdown has been averted for the time being. On Thursday morning, President Trump signed a stopgap spending bill. The legislation allocates funding for the federal government…

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