Automatic Loan Forgiveness Suggested by Treasury

Department said that loans under PPP program should be seen as grants to small businesses. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said Friday that Congress should consider automatically forgiving Paycheck…

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ICE Changes Policy Regarding International Students

Foreign students who attend online only courses will no longer be required to leave the country. During the week, administration officials announced that it would no longer be…

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Saying No to Worship and Yes to Protests is Wrong, Judge Says

Orders from New York governor and mayor were unfair. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, Attorney General Letitia James, and New York City Mayor Bill DeBlasio “exceeded” their executive…

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Potawatomi Nation Requests Additional Federal Coronavirus Aid

Differences between federal and tribal population data cause confusion. As part of the CARES act, the U.S. Treasury Department allocated over $8 billion to indigenous people groups. When…

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President Nominates and Appoints Key Positions

Executive office, judicial, and commission roles to be filled. President Trump has nominated the following to their respective government positions in the past week: James Patrick Arguelles of…

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Keystone Pipeline Construction Continues

1.2 miles of the proposed 1,200 has been laid in northern Montana despite unresolved court cases. The Keystone XL oil sands pipeline has begun to move forward, even…

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New High-Ranking Nominees Proposed to the Senate

Ambassador and two Associate Judges seek approval once quorum is present. Officers of the United States are approved “by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate,”…

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Justice Department Drops Case Against Michael Flynn

Questions arose about nature of investigation. On Thursday, the Justice Department moved to drop its case against former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, in a stunning development that…

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Federal Magistrate Demands Government Shooting Files

Judge states reports are required for VA park police shooting The family of Bijan Ghaisar had lost their son to a violent shooting by U.S. Park Police officers…

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Judge Voids Oil and Gas Leases on Public Lands

Areas where sage grouse are found Idaho Federal Judge Ronald E. Bush voided five oil and gas leases on public lands, amounting to nearly a million acres, saying…

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