Administration Hosts Rethink Work-Based Learning Event

Education and Labor Departments collaborate on Career Technical and Adult Education. This month, a group of leaders from business, workforce, and education met for a “Rethink Work-Based Learning”…

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Teachers Unions Demand Stop to In-Person Learning

Coronavirus cases create roller-coaster for students, parents and teachers. Across America, teachers unions are once again calling for a halt to in-person classroom learning as coronavirus cases climb…

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Justice Samuel Alito Warns of Intolerance

Religious liberty and free speech are endangered, he said. Some of the freedoms that America takes for granted are in danger of being lost, Supreme Court Justice Samuel…

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President Establishes 1776 Commission

He wants to end radical indoctrination of our students. On Monday, just one day before the presidential election, President Trump signed an executive order establishing the 1776 Commission.…

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President Tells Governors to End Lockdowns

Fears are greatly exaggerated, President Trump says. At a rally in North Carolina Thursday, President Donald Trump called for an end to coronavirus-related lockdowns. He called on Governor…

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Labor Department Releases Job Numbers

Layoffs continue to be high. The Department of Labor released its job market report on Thursday, showing the addition of 661,000 nonfarm jobs in September. The unemployment rate…

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President Introduces New COVID-19 Adviser

Scott Atlas joined in on roundtable discussion on getting children back to school. President Trump hosted the “Kids First: Getting America’s Children Safely Back to School” event at…

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97,000 Children Test Positive for Virus

Testing covered last two weeks of July. Across the nation, parents, teachers and children are concerned about returning to in-classroom education. In the final two weeks of July,…

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Teachers’ Unions Unveil New COVID-19 Demands

Teachers say they are wary of returning to class and online instruction also. Public school teachers around the country are fighting for schools to remain closed longer, to…

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Bill Would Boost Student Internet Access

Legislation would assure K-12 students have equal opportunity. Four Senators announced their intentions to introduce legislation aimed at ensuring that K-12 students have access to the internet amid…

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