Education Department Announces Faith-Based Equal Treatment Rule

Participation in Social Service programs do not endanger legal rights and protections. This week the Department of Education announced a joint final rule, with eight other federal agencies,…

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President Signs Order to Place Federal Agencies in Opportunity Zones

Council of Economic Advisers also releases initial assessment on Opportunity Zones. President Trump signed an executive order this past week directing federal government agencies to give location priority…

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HUD to Halt Evictions and Foreclosures

Nearly 8.1 million people have FHA loans. The Department of Housing and Urban Development will halt evictions and foreclosures for owners with FHA loans through the end of…

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Potawatomi Nation Requests Additional Federal Coronavirus Aid

Differences between federal and tribal population data cause confusion. As part of the CARES act, the U.S. Treasury Department allocated over $8 billion to indigenous people groups. When…

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Public Housing Bolstered by Second Wave of Relief

HUD Secretary announces the allocation of funds to assist low-income Americans. Over half a million dollars was made available to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development…

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Evictions and Foreclosures on Hold During Outbreak

Decision made to help Americans who are impacted by the unpredictable economy in like of the coronavirus. Dr. Ben Carson, HUD Secretary, said the president has authorized the…

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President Trump Invokes Defense Production Act

Says he is a “wartime president” over coronavirus. As part of the Trump Administration’s efforts to combat the coronavirus pandemic, President Trump announced Wednesday that he is invoking…

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