Offshore Wind Deployment Target of 30GW by 2030

White House roundtable announces national goal. The secretaries of the Departments of Energy, Commerce, and the Interior recently had a round table discussion during which they announced the…

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Small Businesses to Receive Energy Awards

Energy Department incentivizing scientific, clean energy, and climate solutions. The Department of Energy (DOE) has recently announced $110 million in awards for diverse small businesses who develop solutions…

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Energy Department to Invest in AI and Machine Learning

Secretary Granholm believes that advance computing can help model and predict climate change and even offer solutions. The U.S. Department of Energy recently announced that it would allocate…

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Senate Confirms Granholm as Energy Secretary

She will have a key role in the climate agenda. In a bipartisan 64-35 vote, the Senate confirmed President Biden’s nominee for Energy Secretary, Jennifer Granholm. She said…

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Department of Energy Announces Sale of Reserve Oil

Strategic Petroleum Reserve draw down to meet legislated requirements. The U.S. Department of Energy recently announced a notice of sale of crude oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve…

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Permits Restarting for Offshore Wind Farms

Opportunity for public to weigh in hoped for by fishing industry. The Biden Administration plans to accelerate development of offshore wind energy, with a new goal to double…

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DOE and DOD Sign Space Memorandum

Promotes cooperation on power and propulsion using emerging technologies. The Departments of Energy and Defense have signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) affirming the partnership between these agencies…

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Minerals Sustainability Division Launched by Energy Department

Aims to provide secure supply chain of critical minerals. The Department of Energy announced on Friday that the Minerals Sustainability Division has been established. The purpose of the…

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Energy Department Announces “Energy for Space” Strategy

This week, the Department of Energy (DOE) released its “Energy for Space” strategy outlining recommendations for future space exploration policy. The National Space Policy unveiled recently by the…

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DOE Extends Liquified Natural Gas Export Authorizations

Five long term authorizations extended through 2050. This past week, the Department of Energy announced the extension of export terms for liquified natural gas (LNG). The authorization extends…

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