U.S. and Australia Form Space Defense Partnership

They will defend against Russian and Chinese threats.  On Tuesday, Australian Defense Minister Peter Dutton made the announcement that the Australian Defense Department will be partnering with the…

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Treasury Department Sanctions Drug Traffickers

Targets individuals and organizations in Guatemala and Mexico. The Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) designated the Los Huistas Drug Trafficking Organization (DTO) as a sanctioned…

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DOD Establishes 5G Acceleration Team

Enacted with 2021 National Defense Authorization Act. The Department of Defense announced the establishment of the 5G and FutureG Cross-Functional Team (CFT) last week. Established by Congress through…

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Defense and State Departments Address Russian Claims

Statements issued to counter Russian reports regarding biological weapons. The Department of State and the Department of Justice released statements last week saying that the United States is…

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Defense Department Releases State of Competition

Promoting diversity and addressing monopolization. The Department of Defense released its Defense Industrial Base report on Tuesday, which included a State of Competition assessment as legislated by Executive…

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DOD Announces Chair of Defense Innovation Board

Michael Bloomberg accepts Secretary Austin’s nomination. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin announced on Wednesday that he nominated former New York Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg as the chair of…

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Department of Defense Releases 2021 Afghanistan Report

Predicted rocky retreat and collapse of the Afghan air force. On Wednesday, the Special Inspector General for Afghan Reconstruction (SIGAR) made its January 2021 assessment of Afghanistan available…

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Defense Secretary Redesignates Chief Sustainability Officer

 Joe Bryan transitions from Senior Advisor to CSO. An executive order made by the president in December required the Department of Defense to introduce a full-time Chief Sustainability…

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Annual Military Pay Raise Decreases Slightly

President signed policy bill to help stopgap federal continuing resolution. President Joe Biden signed the National Defense Authorization Act NDAA) into law before the new year, which will…

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Deputy Defense Secretary Visits STRATCOM

Omaha is the last stop on multi-state tour. Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen Hicks visited the U.S. Strategic Command (STRATCOM) in Omaha, Nebraska, this month. The Defense Department…

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