Federal Agencies Victims of Cyber Attacks

Vulnerabilities appear to be related to systems updates. Solar Winds, an IT company that runs network management systems and whose clients include the Department of Justice, the Census…

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Good Economic News Ends Third Quarter

Jobless claims down, GDP grew. In what President Trump describes as a “V-shaped” recovery, the end of the third quarter brought evidence of a bounce back from pandemic…

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U.S. Sees Highest Trade Deficit in 12 Years

Imports increase at record-breaking levels.  The Department of Commerce released its data on the relationship between the United States imports and exports on Thursday. The trade deficit is…

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State Department Announces Visa Restrictions on China Execs

Illegal commerce in South China Sea spurs action. On Wednesday, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced restrictions on China-owned entities and their executives due to unlawful activities in…

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U.S. Trade Deficit Drops in June

Record-breaking exports in spite of COVID-19. The Department of Commerce announced the nation’s export to import trade ratio on Wednesday. The results of the finding showed that the…

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Commerce Department Reports Housing Sales Jump

Sales rates jump May and June after two month drop. The Commerce Department reported last week that they are seeing an unexpectedly positive rebound in the housing market,…

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U.S. Manufacturing Bounces Back Amid COVID-19 Reopenings

Recovers Over 15% of production. The Department of Commerce announced on Wednesday that manufacturing in the United States had continued to grow as states began reopening following the…

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Commerce Report Shows Consumer Spending Uptick

CARES Act a major contributor to 8.2% spending increase. The Commerce Department released a report on Friday documenting American expenditures since the start of the pandemic. After rates…

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Commerce Department Announces Export Rule Change

Foreign manufacturers must have license to resell U.S. technology and software to certain companies. The Bureau of Industry and Security within the U.S. Commerce Department has recently issued…

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Unemployment Up, Consumer Spending Down

Another 3.8 million Americans filed for unemployment last week. While the pace of unemployment filings has slowed since its peak in late March, the number of workers who…

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