Administration Seeks to Protect Cyber Security

 Unidentified hack discovered in December highlights need for improved defenses. In December of 2020, the software utilized by nine U.S. government agencies and 100 private companies was hacked,…

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A Farewell Message from the First Lady

Expresses her gratitude for the privilege of serving as First Lady. On Monday, First Lady Melania Trump addressed the nation: That the efforts of First Lady Melania Trump…

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Cybersecurity Office Established at State Department

Their role will include addressing emerging technologies. On Thursday, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo approved the creation of a new office at the State Department to be known…

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Senator Durbin Calls Recent SolarWinds Hack an “Act of War”

Though not confirmed, many in the intelligence community suspect Russia is responsible. The hacking of the federal government on Monday has now been assessed as the largest cyberattack…

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Homeland Security Issues Cyber Security Warning

Full extent of damage unclear. On Monday, multiple U.S. agencies scrambled to close up an opening created by an attack on their cyber securities and operations. The cybersecurity…

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Federal Agencies Victims of Cyber Attacks

Vulnerabilities appear to be related to systems updates. Solar Winds, an IT company that runs network management systems and whose clients include the Department of Justice, the Census…

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FBI Warns of Cyber Criminals Targeting Hospitals

Health care systems vulnerable amidst increase in virus cases. As the FBI alerted health care providers to the potentiality of escalating cyber attacks, the University of Vermont Medical…

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FBI Warns of Ransomware Threats

Healthcare system vulnerable to attacks. The FBI released a joint alert to the American public that they have “credible information of an increased and imminent cybercrime threat to…

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Chinese Hackers Target American Military

Defense industry also warned to be on guard. The National Security Agency is warning that Chinese government hackers are taking aim at U.S. computer networks involved in national…

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DOJ Reports Charges Against Russian Hackers

Federal grand jury indicts six Russian military intelligence agents in malware attacks. Six agents of the Russian Military Intelligence Directorate (GRU) were charged by a federal grand jury…

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