FBI Currently Forming Cryptocurrency Team

Will work closely with first director of enforcement team. The Department of Justice announced that the FBI is forming a team to work in tandem with the department’s…

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DOJ Files Suit Against Alabama Corrections Agency

Prison system objects to allegations, says suit ignores years of progress. The Justice Department issued a lawsuit against the Alabama prison system that was filed and signed by…

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Supreme Court Hears Tuesday Cases

Cases deal with Eighth Amendment and minimum sentences.  On Tuesday, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments in the cases of Jones v. Mississippi and Borden v. United States.…

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Congress Presses DOJ to Improve Jail Reporting System

Senator expresses concerns about high death rate after Reuters report. An investigation by Reuters revealed that 7,571 deaths occurred at more than 500 jails between 2008 and 2019.…

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Presidential Contenders Meet in Final Debate

Voters see more restrained exchange than first meeting. President Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden engaged one another in their final debate Thursday evening. With less than…

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Administration Oversees 5th Federal Execution of 2020

Death penalty reinstituted after 17-year hiatus. Court struggles over federal executions have been in process all year, with three previous requested delays overturned by the Supreme Court. With…

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House Lawmakers Introduce BREATHE Act

Legislation would transform the criminal justice system. Representatives Rashida Tlaib of Michigan and Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts introduced legislation named the BREATHE Act that would substantially transform the…

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Supreme Court Issues Opinion on Unanimous Jury Requirements

Serious offenses will require full consensus from jury members. On Monday the Supreme Court issued their opinion in the case of Ramos v. Louisiana. Although the Court is…

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