U.S. Governors Feeling Coronavirus Pressure

States desire federal funding to ease healthcare strain. States are beginning to take drastic measures as coronavirus patient numbers climb exponentially. Governors of Pennsylvania, Texas, California and many…

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U.S. Seeks to Boost Oil Reserves

$3 billion sought to fill the nation’s stockpile. The Trump administration recently announced that it would be seeking $3 billion from Congress in order to completely top off…

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Senate Sets Up Sunday Vote on Stimulus

Negotiators are meeting behind closed doors. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has set up the first vote related to a mammoth stimulus package over the coronavirus for Sunday.…

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Vice President Reports Cooperation and Uniting

States Governors, Congress and private sectors are working diligently. Vice President Pence reported this morning that there is a lot of discussion with industry leaders across the country.…

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President Trump Invokes Defense Production Act

Says he is a “wartime president” over coronavirus. As part of the Trump Administration’s efforts to combat the coronavirus pandemic, President Trump announced Wednesday that he is invoking…

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Congress Considers $1 Trillion Aid Package

Coordinates with White House for direct aid to Americans  Following the passage of expanded help for individuals who became unemployed or sick during the current Covid-19 pandemic, Congress…

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House Votes on Coronavirus

Bill provides relief from growing economic challenges On Saturday, the House of Representatives voted on and passed a spending bill aimed to address the growing coronavirus risk around…

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Congress Closes Capitol To Public

Congress announced on Thursday that the grounds of the Capitol building would no longer be open to the public in an effort to combat the spread of the virus.

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President Takes Steps to Protect Public Health

Including travel restrictions In an address to the nation on Wednesday evening, President Trump said, “Together we are putting into policy a plan to prevent, detect, treat and…

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Congress Starts Negotiations on Virus Relief Plan

Process should not be politicized, senator says Senator John Thune of North Dakota reported Wednesday that Congress has started negotiations on President Trump’s economic relief plan in the…

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