House Coronavirus Report Highlights China and WHO Failures

House Foreign Affairs Committee members issue report on coronavirus. The ranking member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Michael McCaul of Texas, and others from the committee have…

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U.S. to Remove Students with Ties to Chinese Military Education

Roughly 1% of Chinese Students expected to be deported. President Trump’s administration announced on Thursday that it would begin taking action against Chinese students studying in the U.S.…

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U.S. to Cut Ties with WHO

Trade ties with Hong Kong will also be curtailed. On Friday, President Trump said the U.S. will terminate its relationship with the World Health Organization over its handling…

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White House Blocks Pension Investments in China

Human rights abuses and U.S. security cited as reasons. The Trump Administration is pressing a board charged with overseeing billions in federal retirement dollars to halt plans to…

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Meat for U.S. Down, Exported to China Up

Difficult outcome being made worse, Connecticut representative says. Last week, President Trump ordered some meat processing plans to stay open to protect the nation’s food supply. Yet the…

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House Lawmakers Launch “China Task Force”

They will look at breadth of China’s influence in U.S. House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy announced the formation of a “China Task Force” to coordinate a strategy against…

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President Wants Global Supply Chains Out of China

Discussions are concrete, robust, and multi-lateral. The United States is pushing to create an alliance of “trusted partners” dubbed the “Economic Prosperity Network,” that would include companies and…

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China Refuses Lab Access

Secretary Pompeo had called for international inspectors. China has rejected calls by American officials to give international inspectors access to labs to make sure dangerous pathogens similar to…

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Secretary Pompeo Renews Criticism of China

Chinese propaganda blames U.S. for virus pandemic. A microbiologist at the Chinese Academy of Sciences said the United States could be an origin point of the coronavirus, until…

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U.S.-Russia Diplomats Begin Discussions on START

The “Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty,” first signed in 1991, could be extended. The Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty, known as START, is a bi-lateral treaty between Russia and the…

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