Transportation Department Proposes Phase-Out of Domestic Products Waiver 

The administration says the policy under the 1983 Buy America program does not align with domestic manufacturing goals. The Department of Transportation (DOT) introduced a rule that would…

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Transportation Department Pilots Rural and Tribal Grants

Underserved communities receive $3.4 million in funding to advance transportation solutions. The Department of Transportation (DOT) announced the awarding of grants for rural and tribal transportation solutions, allocating…

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DOT Announces Funding for Acceleration of Regional Infrastructure

The department will approve projects for competitive grants. The Department of Transportation added $24 million in grants to its Regional Infrastructure Accelerators Program, bringing the total amount of…

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DOT Provides Loan for Louisiana Highway Development

$86.6 million for 2.4 miles of interchange The Department of Transportation announced this week that they will be loaning $86.6 million for the funding of Louisiana’s fourth infrastructure…

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Build America Bureau Financing Rural Road Safety Projects

The funding will support eight Oklahoma counties’ infrastructure projects. The U.S. Department of Transportation has announced financing for 49 percent of the Oklahoma Department of Transportation (ODOT) Rural…

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Transportation Department Adds Funds to Accelerators Program

Partners with local efforts to help deliver infrastructure projects The U.S. Department of Transportation instituted the Accelerators program in September through the Build America Bureau to aid in…

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