President to Cut Troop Levels in Iraq, Afghanistan

“Time to come home,” acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller said. President Trump and his Administration are expected to cut the number of American troops in Afghanistan nearly…

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U. S. Closes 5 Military Bases in Afghanistan

Action comes as part of Taliban peace deal. Five American military bases in Afghanistan have now been closed as part of an agreement the U.S. signed with the…

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U.S. to Withdraw $1 billion in Aid From Afghanistan.

Infighting within Afghan leadership caused the breakdown in negotiations. After a whirlwind day in Kabul in which he met with feuding Afghan leaders, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo…

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Secretary Pompeo in Kabul on Urgent Mission

Political impasse has undermined U.S. efforts. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo arrived in Kabul on Monday on what the State Department said is an urgent, unannounced one-day diplomatic…

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United States Signs Taliban Deal

More talks and troop withdrawals coming American and Taliban officials signed a historic agreement Saturday, setting the table for a reduction of U.S. forces in Afghanistan and unprecedented…

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