Treasury Reports 49 Million Now Enrolled in ACA Health Insurance

The program has reached the highest level of enrollment since it began. The Treasury Department recently reported that one in seven Americans, a total of 49.4 million enrollees,…

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HHS Reports 31% Rise in Affordable Care Enrollment

CMS shows more than 5 million new enrollees for 2024. The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) reported in January that 21.3 million Americans have enrolled under…

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DACA Participants to Have Access to ObamaCare

President announces authorization for insurance and Medicaid. President Joe Biden announced that his administration will open Affordable Care Act coverage to enrollees in the Deferred Action for Childhood…

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States to Review Medicaid Eligibility

Estimates suggest millions may lose Medicaid coverage. The government-sponsored Medicaid program covers roughly 84 million people, and new reports indicate that as many as 14 million may not…

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Administration Fixes Obamacare “Family Glitch”

Gives 1 Million more Americans health care, mostly children. The Treasury Department and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) published a final rule this week that fixes the Obamacare…

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Federal Judge Rules Requiring PrEP Coverage Unconstitutional

He ruled that it violates the Religious Freedom Restoration Act. Northern Texas U.S. District Court Judge Reed O’Connor issued a ruling that requiring a Christian-owned company to provide…

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CBO Concerned About Increasing Deficit

Presidential executive actions are contributing to the problem. A letter from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) in response to an inquiry by a congressman from Missouri confirms that…

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Obamacare Subsidies Expanded

President Biden and former President Obama make announcement. President Joe Biden met with former President Barack Obama for a working lunch on Tuesday. Afterward, they announced that more…

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President Announces Increase in Obamacare Enrollment

Gives highlights in ACA anniversary statement. Last week, President Joe Biden celebrated the 12th anniversary of the Affordable Care Act, former President Barack Obama’s signature legislation that addressed…

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HHS Celebrates 12 Years of Affordable Care Act

Multiple department leaders release statements. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) was signed into law on March 23, 2010, and many officials in the Department of Health and Human…

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