The highest level since the Great Depression. The Labor Department announced at the end of last week that the U.S. unemployment rate had risen to 14.7 percent –…
Read MoreSecretary Pompeo to Visit Israel
Plans include discussion of annexation. This week, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo will be traveling to Israel to meet with the newly formed government, and talk with Prime…
Read MoreTrust Me on This
Why is the sky blue…
Read MoreTuesday, May 12
Today, President Donald Trump will be meeting with Republican members of the U.S. Senate. The economic recovery of the country and circumstances surrounding allies and foes abroad will…
Read MorePresident’s Today Schedule -May 12, 2020
12:00PM EDT The President receives his intelligence briefing 4:00PM EDT The President meets with Republican Members of the Senate
Read MoreMeat for U.S. Down, Exported to China Up
Difficult outcome being made worse, Connecticut representative says. Last week, President Trump ordered some meat processing plans to stay open to protect the nation’s food supply. Yet the…
Read MoreFDA Grants Emergency Antibody Test Use
Nearly 30 million tests could be shipped in May. Emergency use authorization for a new coronavirus antibody test was granted Monday by the Food and Drug Administration to…
Read MoreJames F. Reilly, U.S. Geological Survey
James F. Reilly is Director of the United States Geological Survey. His organization studies the landscape of the United States, its natural resources, and the natural hazards that threaten it. We…
Read MoreWhite House to Coordinate Distribution of Experimental Drug
Planned effort to prevent bidding wars over COVID-19 treatment, Remdesivir. The company that developed the first drug that tested successfully for COVID-19 recovery, Gilead Sciences, plans to donate…
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