Minnesota Representative Hagedorn Has Kidney Cancer

Remains committed to his work in Congress Representative Jim Hagedorn of Minnesota, a first-term congressman, says he is suffering from stage 4 kidney cancer. Its discovery was made…

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First Lady Receives “Woman of Distinction” Award

Objections voiced by some university students and alumni First Lady Melania Trump was given a “Woman of Distinction” award from Palm Beach Atlantic University. The First Lady, who…

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DHS Issues Cyber Security Alert

Warns operators of critical cyber systems An alert from the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency of the Department of Homeland Security urged companies operating critical systems to review…

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President’s Order Diverts Water to California Farmers

Takes water from Bay Delta to Central Valley While in Bakersfield, California, on Wednesday, President Trump signed an order to re-engineer the state’s water plans, funneling water from…

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President’s Today Schedule -February 20, 2020

11:45AM EST The President delivers the Commencement Address at Hope for Prisoners Graduation Ceremony 5:00PM EST The President delivers remarks at a Keep America Great Rally

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Paul Dabbar, Under Secretary of Energy for Science

Investing time and energy in Antarctica, the Department of Energy has been maximizing the work of the department’s national labs researching and developing fields including the study of the deepest parts of the universe and making investments in next-generation technologies such as quantum computing.

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Jim Risch, U.S. Senator from Idaho

Senator Jim Risch of Idaho said that it is now clear Iran intends to continue violating caps on the amount of enriched uranium it can keep in the country, adding “I don’t think they’re complying at all” with the nuclear restrictions enshrined in the accord they signed.

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Issue 426

February 20th – 26th, 2020 PRAY FOR PRESIDENT TRUMP AND HIS ADMINISTRATION Citing a 2005 law for legal support, the Trump Administration is waiving federal contracting laws in…

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Is It Revival Time?

“The times, they are a changing…” were lyrics to a Bob Dylan song from 1964, five and a half decades ago. He could have those words today…

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Judge Amy Berman Jackson, District of Columbia District Court

A lawsuit filed against President Trump over not keeping records of his meetings with foreign leaders was rejected by U.S. District Judge Amy Berman Jackson.

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