Senate Votes to Limit President’s War Powers

Resolution specific to Iran Legislation intended to limit President Trump’s ability to wage war against Iran is ready for a final vote in the Senate.  The House of…

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Attorney General Barr Evaluating Sanctuary Cities

Looking to make New Jersey and Washington comply with federal standards On Monday, Attorney General William Barr announced that the Justice Department would be upping the pressure against…

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Philippines Ends U.S. Security Pact

Island Nation will not allow U.S. forces to train any longer On Tuesday, the Philippines notified the United States that it would no longer be participating in a…

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How do you do with slots? Not THOSE kinds of slots, but the kind employed by air traffic control to manage landings. Using a slot-based system, controllers…

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Free in Christ

Frederick Baily learned to read even though it was against the law for a slave. At age 20, he escaped to Massachusetts…

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The Battlefield of Your Mind

Sadly, American Christians are living in a time when evil is sweeping society…

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President Promotes Opportunity Zones

Plan projected to bring $100 billion in investments to underserved neighborhoods On Friday evening, President Trump traveled to North Carolina to highlight his administration’s new economic revitalization program.…

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Fill Your Mind

The lists are extensive: “20 Foods That are Bad for Your Health, Foods to Avoid if you have Arthritis…

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Mind Renewal

You may have heard, “Values are caught, not taught.” This is true; however, your action begin in your thinking…

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What is one of your most memorable messed up texts from last year? Did you accidently say…

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